So just a little bit about me… I have 8 kids….and there is a 17 1/2 year span between them all. Yeah!! There’s a LOT going on at my house ALL the time! (and yes, sometimes I wear those industrial headphones for a little peace and quiet! haha) They do drive me kinda crazy sometimes, but I love them like crazy! I’m sure if you are a mom, you can relate!
I’m in my 40’s and just potty-trained my last little darling. I have 5 girls and 3 boys and I love them more than words can say. I married my best friend and sweetheart. My faith plays a big part in who I am and why I do some of the things I do. I’m a Christian and I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I most definitely believe in Forever Families! If you want to learn more about what we believe you can find more information here.
You see, I have had a lot of “mothers” in my life. My own mother was amazing. There is no other way to describe her. She could do anything and she was fearless! Or was she?? Well, at least I thought she was simply perfect, but that brings me to my next point which is we sometimes do a lot of comparing our worst to someone else’s best and we make a lot of assumptions.
Sometimes we do a lot of assuming as women and we “assume” that other mothers are perfect and they have no worries or trouble with kids. I’m here to tell you that EVERY mother struggles with kids, and life, etc. They might just be really gifted in an area we admire and so we assume we are nothing.
My perfect mother, I’m sure, had her worries, fears, and faults. But as imperfect as she may have been to herself.…she was perfect for me! That is how our children will remember us if we just keep trying to do our best, find joy along the way, apologize when we mess up and give our kids that same grace.
Have you had a “mother” in your life that you look up to, that has touched your heart and you want to be like?? I certainly have! Sometimes it seems impossible that we will ever get there…. take heart moms!… we will get there, little by little. (Just like they did…)
But for now, we will be a “mother-in-the-making“. WE are NOT done yet…. we have a lot of room to grow, get better, become more refined and “become the mother” we dream of becoming.
You see it takes a lot to get to that advanced stage of Motherhood where you have all the patience in the world and your kids or grandkids all think they are the “favorite” because of how you make them feel when they are with you. Patience my friends, patience!
I keep telling myself the same thing over and over. I bet there is a lot of moms that can relate to all the frustrations that come with having children, and it’s not that we don’t want or love our kids… it’s just that there’s SO MUCH TO LEARN and CHANGE WITHIN OURSELVES FIRST!!!!!
Wheww! Glad we could get that off our chests! 😉
Even though our kids drive us batty at times, we would do anything for them. (Sometimes we do too much for them.) We are all on this journey of Motherhood. And we ALL need each other!
If you DIY anything….then we speak the same language! If you are a mom that loves your kids and are just trying to do the best you can then we can definitely be friends!
If you struggle to manage your home, finances, and family… then we can relate! I hope you will join me on this journey of Motherhood. We can share our triumphs, our fails and what we learned from them and help each other along the way.
We are all a Mother-in-the-Making…. and WE CAN DO THIS! I have learned so much along the way and I want to help you learn to manage and enjoy homemaking and motherhood!
I’ve decided that “motherhood” is a long journey with a lot of steps, stops, distractions, giggles, problems, learning, detours, joys, sorrows, smiles, fears, mistakes, messes, hugs, struggles, tears, fun, and LOVE. It is the process of “becoming” worthy of the title “mother”. It’s all about the “journey” of “becoming”.
My own mother passed away when I was barely 13 years old. She died essentially from breast cancer. At the time, she was my very best friend, I lost a part of me and was so heartbroken and sad. What a loss that was for me and my family. I couldn’t imagine, at that time, what a beautiful life I had ahead of me with a family of my own.
Now don’t get me wrong….it’s not all roses….EVERYONE has problems and no one has the “perfect life”….but I have been given much and I’m learning, and growing from my struggles….(well, most of them…haha) Reading over this reminds me of Hillary Weeks’ song, “Beautiful Heartbreak”….. Life is so beautiful when we are able to recognize blessings that come from the “ashes” of our heartaches. I’m not sure I could have recognized any blessings at the time of my mother’s passing, but looking back now, I can see the Lord’s hand in my life and I can see that He helped me every step of the way. I was never left alone, even though I may have felt that back then.
My sweet Mother left her imprint on my heart of what a mother can be…I have a long ways to go! I’m learning to make the best of the “journey” and also learning from others. There is so much to learn and so much to enjoy!
There have been MANY “Mother’s” in my life that has helped me along the way. What a blessing we can all be to each other when we’re not trying to compete with each other and then we share what we learn.
Thanks to all those mom’s out there that have helped me in some small way! I hope that my experiences can help other moms manage, and enjoy homemaking and motherhood. I hope this gives moms out there a little lift and gives them the encouragement to keep going, keep trying and to NEVER give up! Mothers Simply Rock!
Thanks for stopping by, I would love to hear from you!