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Being A Mom is NOT Easy, but the Rewards are Endless Joyful Moments!

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There are so many little moments that are very rewarding as a mother, the trick is knowing what to watch for and knowing that all the mess and trouble that comes with it, is also part of the “job” of mothering. The good and the bad come together, and whether it is “joyful” or not is your decision.


In the last 20+ years as a mom, I have “mothered” my own eight children…(yep, that’s right, I have 8 and I adore each one!)….and I have “mothered” kittens, puppies, birds, etc. Beyond that, I have “mothered” my nieces, nephews, my neighbor’s children and the neighbor’s cat or dog….etc.

I think I am just “hard-wired” to “mother” anything and everything! Being a mom is the best!  I LOVE being a Stay-at-home-mom, and I feel so blessed to be able to be home…

When I was a little girl, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a “mom”. So, I started with my kittens and my baby dolls, holding them, snuggling them and taking care of their every imaginary “need”.

Motherhood is Hard

It seemed like every Christmas I got a “baby” of some sort to “mother”.  Life was sweet, simple and good! That kind of mothering was easy! If only all you had to do was “rock” a baby all day! (LOL)

Life is still sweet and good, but sometimes I over-complicate it with too many commitments and an overall feeling of being “stressed-out” all the time.  

I’m sure there are many of you who can relate…What I have learned is that being a mom is harder than I ever imagined and more wonderful than I could ever imagined!

Motherhood is harder and more wonderful than I could ever have imagined!

Could Anyone Have Prepared me for this???

So, I’m living “the dream!” However, the imaginary “needs” of my baby dolls never included “hazmat-type” cleaning in the middle of the night, running an “on-demand” laundry service, and cooking more hot dogs than I dare to admit.

There is also the endless laundry, dishes, messes, crying, whining, booboos, hurt feelings, diapers, homework, friend problems, taxi driving, and squabble settling that never seems to stop….but I’m living the dream! Right??

Adjusting My Sails…

It took me a while to realize that I LOVE parts of my job and not other parts of my job and I needed to adjust my attitude to help me realize that motherhood comes with all of it.

You can’t just pick and choose what parts you get to have. You get it all… the whole kit and caboodle! The good with the bad, the happy with the sad. You can’t appreciate a clean home if it’s never been dirty.

I dearly love my kids, and reminding me of this helps cope with the hard parts of my job, and the hard days.  (“I love my kids, I Love my kids, I LOVE MY KIDS”!!)

Sometimes, after a particularly long day of mothering, I like to watch my children sleep. They are so peaceful and lovely when they are sleeping…and it helps build those tender feelings of love and nurturing back up again.

Sometimes it helps to watch your children while they are asleep.

What Do You Love?

My very favorite parts of being a mother???  Well, it would have to be those sweet moments when you smile clear to your heart when your kids tell you that they love you for no apparent reason.

It’s when you see siblings help each other. How about when you get “special” projects for “mom” with little notes? Can anyone have too many Christmas ornaments with their kids’ pictures on them? Not me! Those moments and gifts are precious and special!

Unsolicited hugs and kisses from my kiddos are simply the best! Look deeply in your kids’ eyes, there’s a lot of love in there! There’s also a lot of hope of being loved by you.

When you see a sibling “meet” a new brother or sister and hold them for the first time and you feel like your heart could simply melt!

It’s the “breakfast in bed” that totally destroyed your kitchen but made you smile anyway. There is joy in watching them discover new things or accomplish something hard.

It’s the joy you feel when they are kind and gentle.  

Joy is found in the great big ear to ear smiles when they smell cookies as they come in the door from a long day at school or work…’s in these “moments”….but I’ve learned that I have to watch for them or I miss them altogether.  

Watch for the Moments

Being a Mom is not an easy job, and the rewards of motherhood are in the present, the past and the future.  

There are daily rewards, there are sweet memories from yesterday or last year and there will be many rewards in the years to come.  

The rewards of being a Mom can’t really be measured, but they can always be felt.

Finding joy in the “moments”, the little and big things of life is what makes it all the more sweet!  It’s learning and growing together with your child.

It’s becoming infinitely better because you are a Mom.  

Motherhood is a long journey and it is definitely meant to be enjoyed!  Making your “moments” count is part of the joy of being a mom!

Kids playing

You might not “capture” your “moment” today on camera, but you can always “capture” that feeling in your heart, write it down and then enjoy it for years to come!  (Kids Journals are a great place to “store” those memories!)

Being a Mom is the best (and hardest) job ever!

Being a mom is the hardest job ever, but knowing what to watch for sure helps...

May the Lord bless all you Moms out there! Your influence for good simply cannot be underestimated! Be strong and don’t give up!

Happy Mothering and watching for your “moments” today! 🙂


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