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Every mom needs a creative outlet. It does not fail that every time I sit down to my computer to write, I get interrupted and sidetracked by the demands of home and motherhood.
Everyone and Everything Wants Our Attention…
It’s like the house is screaming at me that I haven’t cleaned it enough and it’s not perfect yet…
My kids suddenly want my undivided attention for whatever reason….which is usually because mom is busy or trying to take a break and get some “mommy time”.
Suddenly I have guilt for not doing laundry or cleaning some other corner of my house right that minute and I “fall for it” every time.
Have You Neglected Yourself?
I haven’t forgotten this special place to share my thoughts, ideas, and creativity….I’ve just neglected myself.
That means I haven’t told myself that it’s okay to take some time for myself and tonight I’m feeling it. Do you ever feel this as well?
It seems like when you don’t offer yourself a creative outlet, emotions build up inside you without you even realizing it. Then after a few weeks go by, you start to not feel like yourself.
You don’t feel like doing really anything and you become burned out from the daily grind of motherhood. You feel unhappy and unfulfilled.
Sometimes you have “outbursts” and aren’t very nice to your family or friends.
Do You Feel That Need to Go Buy Something…Anything? Give Yourself some CREATIVE TIME instead!
Sometimes you even feel like you just need to go buy something new to perk you up….. but really what you need is a creative time for yourself to just be you!
You need time to think, to sleep, to exercise, to create. Whatever it is that fills your bucket, you need it! You need a creative outlet and you need to make time for it.
Just be creative, or lazy for a moment or make something that doesn’t get eaten or destroyed after 2 minutes….. (ya know what I mean?:)
Some seasons of motherhood allow us more time than others.
To be fair, there is always a need to have a creative outlet. Even if you just “create” the perfect combination of clothes for your baby to wear… you need time to be creative and just be you.
Why Weed the Garden?
There was this lady I know that loved to weed her garden when her children were younger….she explained that it was the only thing she could do that didn’t get “undone” for a week!
I totally understand!!! (Although, I still don’t like to weed the garden…I think I’ll just go shop at the fabric store and then make something instead! lol)
Being a mother is no easy job!
So tonight I gave myself permission to just be me, and take a moment and “write” because I love to write and it gives me a creative outlet that feeds my soul.
I also love to sew, but at the moment, my sewing room is “under construction”…..if you know what I mean!
I’m doing a major cleanout in there and it’s not quite done….so instead of just “cleaning” more tonight….I’m actually relaxing and writing!….and that’s okay!!!
Ask Yourself…
When was the last time you gave yourself a break? Do you give yourself a chance to be creative? What are the things that feed your soul? Have you ever considered what’s inside of you that is being neglected? What’s your creative outlet??
My experience…
Let me tell you about an experience I had one time that opened my mind to what was lying deep inside me. (And also what was being neglected deep inside me.)
I had a friend take me to a specialty quilt shop in a town not far from where we live.
When I walked inside I was overcome with all these emotions of excitement and creativity that I didn’t even know was in me!
The fabric was the most beautiful I had ever seen! The projects that they had on display let my mind wander and dream in places it had not been for years.
I think we spent at least an hour or more in this little quilt shop, but every moment was thrilling to me. It’s been years, but I can still remember the “feeling” that I had when I walked in.
Feed Your Soul…
It fed my soul in a way that I didn’t even know was possible! I was completely awestruck with the lovely fabric and with each breath, I felt the creativity in me begin to build and grow.
To be truthful, I didn’t even know I liked fabric that much, but when I walked in there…..it was like this creative flower inside of me that was badly wilted and nearly dead, suddenly got a deep soaking of water for the soul!
This also felt like I was soaking up sunshine for the deepest darkest corner inside of me that felt neglected and sad.
It was a true blessing to me. I think I bought an apron pattern book that day and some fabric and made a few aprons after that. (And I’m still making them!)
I can’t tell you what a blessing that was to me! It was like “finding myself” again. This experience truly fed my soul. It was amazing.
I fanned the embers of my creative personality that were long neglected and I found myself again.
Be A Good Mom, But Don’t Neglect Yourself
Sometimes being a mom means setting everything aside for a while….and we should.
Our children truly need all of us and the best of us, but being the best also means feeding your soul. (And I’m not talking about “phone time”… I’m talking about stuff that will truly help you feel better.)
It means trying to get enough sleep. Eating the right things.
That also means giving yourself time to pray and read your scriptures or a book that enlightens your mind and helps you become better.
It’s Okay…
This means that it’s okay to have a creative outlet and do something for yourself when you can.
It doesn’t mean neglecting everything in the name of creativity.
But it does mean finding the right balancefor youso that you can be your best and not get burned out.
So to all of you moms out there, decide what it is that feeds your soul…. decide what it is that you need most right now….is it sleep?
Is it a creative outlet? Is it a hot bath without children banging on the door or little fingers underneath?
Talk to someone you love about what it is that you need and make a plan for yourself.
Put yourself on “the list”.
You are so much more important than you could ever imagine! You need a creative outlet, whatever that may be for you… you need it!
Take care of yourself so that you are a better YOU!